The marks of discipleship are the benchmarks for our faith community and our Children’s ministry programs.
WORSHIP – worship God weekly
GROW – spend time growing with God through daily prayer, devotions and small groups
RELATIONSHIPS – build relationships with others, one-on-one, in small groups, and fellowship events
GIVING – set aside a tithe of your financial resources
MINISTRY – use your God-given gifts to become actively involved in the ministry of the faith community.
At the 10 am and noon Sunday worship services children (pre-school – 6th grade) will leave after the bible time for Kids Kingdom Time and return to worship during the passing of the peace/offering time.
Kids Kingdom Time is a teaching time that follows the theme of the day. The children will use the children’s bulletin as their guide.
The people of St. Andrew take seriously our convent with parents at the child’s Baptism, which calls for us to support the faith development of the child as he/she grows by being a meaningful community of faith. Its Nurture Time is an intentional ministry of St. Andrew that provides for quality faith conversations between parents and children. Nurture Times are designed to uphold the covenant promise that the parents made at there son/daughters baptism that they would bring them to worship, teach them the Lords Prayer, the Creeds, the Ten commandments and the teachings of Jesus. Nurture Times cover age appropriate faith issues for both the parent and the child. Nurture Times are offered on Sunday mornings at the 9:00 education hour for a period of 3 to 4 weeks per grade. This manageable time frame seems to best suit busy families while giving the family tools needed to spark faith growth in the home, making the church and home partners in faith development.
Nurture Times are where Parents and Children come together to learn, listen, share and create a dynamic Christian Faith relationship. Each year the faith topic has been chose and designed to encourage faith conversation concerning a vital aspect of the Christian Life. Nurture Times cover real-life aspects of faith, from scripture to sexuality, devotions to drugs. Nurture time encourages conversations that make a difference in peoples life.
Confirmation/Middle School
Our confirmation ministry is designed to support and partner with parents in the nurture and faith development of youth. This ministry is intended to assist parents in fulfilling their Baptismal promises and to create an atmosphere where youth can grow in their faith.
The mission of our Confirmation ministry is to enable our youth to know Jesus so that they can “Share and Care In Jesus’ Name.”
Our vision is for every youth to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and to know God’s love and grace in their lives.